::2:58 am::30.03.04::

A wonderful girl named Sarah asked questions of many of the girls that come to her blog... here are my answers. Thank you for making me think about these things, Sarah.


1. Describe to me who you are in 5 words or short phrases.

submissive; empath; strong yet fragile; able to overcome anything; a "deep thinker"

2. What scares you about being in love?

A tough question. The vulnerability; letting someone get inside, and have the ability to break my heart into pieces. The trust that love requires, knowing that it could all fall away at any minute and yet, I have to throw myself into it head-over-heels with all of my heart. It's so incredibly hard to let go of those boundaries that we all throw up against the world, to let someone touch the deepest parts inside that you hold so close and dear, that you feel no one can ever see but you; but my God, is it worth it, just to see the look in the person you love's eyes when you see them after an absence, that strength and the bond that you share that no one can ever take away from you.

3. What do you find inside yourself when you go away and hide?

I find... a place with people who care for me, that I can go to and escape the "real" world. Beautiful flowers that seem to have the colors that all the wonderful feelings in the world would have, if we could make them tangible. Soft grass and cool breezes, the kind that you can almost feel the scent of the time after it rains, and the the scent of the ocean. A place where my soul can dance and dance until I can't breathe anymore, and I fall into the grass and moss under the shade of protective trees, cool and not too bright, to watch the sunlight filter through the leaves until I can rest.

4. What last made you throw your head back and scream with laughter until you couldn�t laugh any more?

Honestly, I would have to say my nephew Andrew (three years old). I was helping him wash his hands in the bathroom, and he was sitting on top of the sink... and he nearly took a nosedive into the water and just gave me this devilish look. He hopped off to go dry his hands under the dryer... and he kept looking at me in the little reflective surface of the nozzle, making faces into it, moving forward and back so his face made different shapes. I guess you had to have been there, but we were both hysterical over it, to the point where we could barely open the door to get out.

5. What do you hope people see when they look at you?

I hope people see how much I care about people and the world. That I would do anything to be able to make everyone smile and laugh. To lift their spirits and make everyone happy again, to lift the sorrow of the world and erase every trace of badness. I hope people see the intelligence behind the sad eyes, and that being submissive does not mean that I can be walked all over.

Bonus Question:

6. How do you love?

How do I love?

With every fiber of my being. In action, thought, word, deed. I do my utmost to love - and I love deeply and freely. I love so many people, and I can only hope that others can do the same.

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