::9:04 pm::02.10.02::

So I've got a kitten. Apparently her name is Mist or Myst or whatever. My mother wanted to name her Mistopheles, but I thought that was dumb, so her name is Mist Opheles. As in, my kitten has a surname. Yeah. We're ingenius over here.

Sometimes I wonder.

So I'm a bit pissed off about the indifference of A Certain Someone, and somehow it cuts through my heart like a knife. Indifference is almost as bad as cruelty. Cruelty can be overrun with phone sex :P ... I didn't say that.

Indifference, however, makes my heart shatter like the cold soul that inhabits it.

Ack, kitten on the toe, kitten on the toe.... I woke up this morning to a little squeak. Okay, c'mere cat, pet it, calmed down. Fell back asleep. Woke up cause I heard my chapstick fall over above my head. Figured, okay, I bumped it with the pillow. Nooo. Felt something walking on my pillow. Reached up and got a little kitty lick. Okay, okay, you can sit on my pillow. Noooo. You have to understand that I have a waterbed and this cat is about the size of my hand. There's no conceivable way that I can think of that the damned thing got up there in the first place, but at 6 AM I'm not really concerned about the how. So she came up to see me, and decided ooh, those blankets are nice and burrow-able. So she crawled under every single blanket that I have and started seeing if I'm an acceptable toy to crawl all over. Okay, have fun, whatever, I'm sleeping. So the cat parked itself on my ass with its tiny little claws doing that whole "oh yeah I'm a cat I like this ohhhh yeahhhh" thing. Okay, grr, whatever. Starts trying to get in my pants through the crotch. No, ain't gonna cut it kitty. It decided to lay on my ass for the remainder of my time in bed. Bah. :P

No dirty jokes, guys. NONE OF YOU! NOT ONE! ESPECIALLY not from Charles. And that goes for you too, Mike.

It's sort of sad that I assume that people read this.

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