cold... so cold...
::10:31 pm::07.10.02::

You know....

Indifference should be a sin.

Not that it would matter to A Certain Person, as A Certain Person is as religious in that aspect as I am. But when you pour your heart out, and love someone with everything you have, when your entire soul is full of love for someone, and they reply something along the lines of not knowing to every question you ask, it rips at your heart. It eats away at it, replacing it with this cold that makes you want to fade away. It makes you want to curl up and die because all you can feel is this overwhelming, undescribable cold. The fate of the world rests in that cold, your heart frozen over like a corpse in a block of ice, your feelings resisting melting like an Antarctic iceberg.

But I'm okay. I have to be. I'm always okay. Right guys?

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