Fucking die.
::10:51 pm::21.11.02::

It amazes me how cruel some people can be. How inconsiderate of your deepest, darkest feelings. How so small a comment can make me hurt so badly that I want to slash my wrists until I can't breathe and until my floor is soaked in sticky blood. It makes me want to scream and punch things and expend every bit of energy in my entire body, I want to close my eyes and break the chains inside of me and feel myself float away into the endless stream of time.

Time, what is time.. I wish I knew how to tell you why it hurts to know...

I want to stare at nothing and feel at peace, and not as if there is a war taking place inside my own skin.

I want everyone to stop trying to take away my hope.

I want everyone who tries to fucking die.

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