Shellz of the Earth. A shell, of Eire.
::12:41 am::27.12.02::

I'm so tired lately... as if the weight of a thousand worlds rest upon my shoulders, and the heavens seek to add one marble at a time until I fall. I close my eyes and feel time stall; the world shakes and turns on its side as I wait.. wait... I feel my heart slowing, slowing, demanding justice, blood, pain. Slowing.. slowing.. stopping, until the agony of not being able to breathe chokes me like being miles under water, and I press the cold blade into my skin; sweet release flowing through, out, through.. my coarse and scarred veins. My heart slowly... slowly beating again, pulsing with relief as it bounds into the world, traversing paths I've traversed all too many times. The paths that I'm doomed to travel for all of time. The paths that I'll never escape.

Who was I before I was this shell of a girl...?

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