Never again (I've seen it before but not like this)
::2:18 pm::12.01.03::

I learned a very important lesson today. And I'm scared.

I will never cut again. I've been getting better for so long, but it's like there was a single piece missing that, once found, would complete my recovery. I found it today. I did something dumb, and it scared me. It scared me into finding that last piece, FINALLY. I found the missing piece to the recovery puzzle, and I realized that some things I've been doing aren't healthy. I'm too important to myself and to other people to continue being this way. So here it is, world. My confession and my apology. I'm sorry for the things that I've done - but now, I've reached this epiphany, and I realize that life is good. I see pleasure now in little things; and while I'm still a little scared because of the dumb thing I did... I'm happy. Happy that I found that missing piece.

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