::6:23 pm::22.01.03::

It angers me that people have such a low opinion of me. That I'm a weak-willed individual that can be walked all over, as if my thoughts and feelings don't matter. That I'm a willow tree bending in the wind, shattered by fragile raindrops when in reality it would take more effort than what the core of the world holds to ever coerce me into bowing down.

I'm sorry, folks, but there is nothing you can do to ever get me to fall. I am stronger than any of you will ever believe. No matter how depressed I will become, no matter how angry or hurt I am, there is nothing you will ever do to me to make me give up.

You will not walk all over me. No one will.

I am stronger than that.

I am stronger than that.

all along i've been walking alone and now you come down the road and make judgments based on what you see, now you know i can take the load i've been forced to carry down this road and you'll know that i'm stronger than you can ever be

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