::7:02 pm::02.05.03::

I close my eyes and the awful words and scenes that flow through my mind are as swift as lightning, shattering windows and dreams, heart of hearts fallen to the floor and broken, broken. Pieces picked up and swept away, a burial and cremation (i'munabletostopitanymore) as I refuse to acknowledge what's happening to me. I know... I know that if I continue, I will no longer take sweet breaths in the moonlight, feel the ocean caressing my feet as I stare into the sky and embrace freedom. But how can I stop? (hungergnawingatme... buticannoteat, icannotsleep, mybloodtainted [buthowittastes...])

Can I stop?

Do I have the will to draw life into these hollow bones, filling my destiny, fulfilling my travesties and transgressions, an endless whirlwind of caution and throwing caution to the night sky? Oh, bright star, may I bathe in your sweet light and relax into the empty embrace of the moon, or will I continue to wake?

An amusing note:

My kitten picked up a piece of cheese today with the pad of his paw and his claws, drew it to his mouth, and started licking it like it was on a damned fork.

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