Entry number two of today.
::11:23 pm::14.05.03::

Anger that never ends, an injustice toward the retribution I seek. Fire burns with a fury unmatched as more words seek to batter my broken form. I stand in the midst of the fire with swords blazing, staring defiantly into the eyes of my aggressors that once loved me so. Irritated by those who used to hold me close, a quick flash of a blade silences the voices that beat me. Each word is a fist in my face, clenched tightly to destroy what is mine, yet I stand.

Forever will I stand, for I will never give you the satisfaction of seeing me fall. I am deathly tired of those who never seek to understand what I feel inside and kick me when I'm down. I am sick of my spine being crushed under the boot of a loved one when I cry out from the burdens that rest heavily upon my shoulders. A pillar for a toppling city, holding up acres of agony for others. And yet when I seek to break down, I am shattered.

If you continue to abuse me, blades will fly, and heads will roll. False words and false friends will know the wrath of my anger.

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