Merry Christmas, motherfucker.
::3:31 am::24.12.03::

And you think I'M pathetic. Do you *truly* have nothing better to do than bash others, returning to a place that you apparently despise, just to feel big? To feel worthwhile? If you had half as much intelligence as you profess, you'd realize that if you don't like it, you can simply NOT READ IT. See that little "x" up in the right-hand corner of your screen? You know, way up there? Click your little mouse pointer on it and POOF! The words will disappear! Your positively scathing wit and devastating intellect will be sorely missed, I assure you. Is your life so very empty that you have to try to push down those who actually try to live their lives, to push past difficulties? Unlike you, who most assuredly run and cower behind your mother's skirts, assuming you're not hiding under them. "YOU'RE A GOTH!!! YOU SUCK!" I'm terribly, terribly hurt. I'm going to promptly slit my wrists, just for you. Your opinion truly matters so very much to me that I'm going to fulfill your every wish and take myself from this earth. Oh, wait... I'm sorry, I just realized that you're not worth the air you breathe. If you honestly have intelligent and constructive criticism, get off your lazy ass and write a logical response instead of bitching and whining - something you seem to foist onto me, though you are most assuredly the worse perpetrator - that you dislike the way I write and what I write about. This is a diary. Look it up on dictionary.com. What do you do in a diary? You write whatever the fuck you want. If you don't like it, don't read it. Is that *truly* such a hard concept to master? Do you *honestly* not understand that my thoughts and views are not going to change because you think I'm some whiney little goth who needs to slit her wrists? Get to know me a little first, then tell me to go kill myself. If you're lucky, maybe you'll get to watch as you bleed to death. I'm a bit more vengeful than I am suicidal. No, wait... scratch that. I'm not suicidal. *gasp* Isn't that a shock! Nope. Sorry. Don't dress all in black, either. I also don't listen to death metal, and undoubtedly won't fit all of the other bullshit stereotypes you seem to want to bestow upon me. Grow a pair of balls and either walk away or do something useful with your time instead of pathetically insulting someone because you don't understand what the term "clinical depression" means. Hey, look, I actually work for my goals and happiness, instead of taking them for granted. I'm terribly sorry that your life is too pathetic for you to have empathy toward others. Perhaps one day you'll realize that the world doesn't revolve around you and your views, and you'll remove your head from your rectum just enough to see the light of day.

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