Fuck you.
::5:28 am::27.12.03::

I hate feeling like I can't write in my own diary anymore. Like all I am is someone to be analyzed and rejected by people who don't even matter to me. But here I am and here I will fucking remain. This is MY diary and MY territory and YOU CANNOT TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME.

I want someone to tell me that it will be okay. That I'm not what everyone says I am (and not you, motherfuckers, people I actually give a fuck about). I want someone to hold me and let me fall asleep in their arms, because that is the single most beautiful feeling in the world. I want to bleed - YES I DO! And there is no shame in that. There's no shame in comfort and familiarity. There is no shame in temporary solutions that keep you breathing. There's no shame in working your way through things one step at a time, no matter how you get there.

There's nothing wrong with waiting until the last ones heal.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to tell the world to fuck off and make your own destiny.

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