B is for Bondage!
::6:54 pm::02.06.04::



1. The state of being under the control of another person.

2. A state of subjection to a force, power, or influence.

3. The practice of being physically restrained, as with cords or handcuffs, as a means of attaining sexual gratification.

It's slightly risky using this for my word-of-the-day - it's a side that not too many know that I have.

I am a submissive.

There, I said it - for public consumption and criticism. But, you know what? It's not something I'm ashamed of being. It's not something that you can ridicule me for or make me feel bad about. It's not something that I'll ever change for you or anyone else. And if it's something you need to be cruel and judgmental about, I pity you, but it won't affect me, because it's obviously something you just can't understand.

And submission does not a weak woman make.

Think about this for a minute. Think about how in control of your life you have to be. Think about how hard it is to give up control and to let someone or something else take over. How utterly terrifying it is to defy the norm and do what *you* need to do, what you're born to do, what you are. My strength lies in this. My strength lies in being able to lay down the reigns and smile. To be able to have the courage and bravery to trust someone so completely to pick them up and to be able to pick up the pieces of myself if they abuse that trust. "Oh, you're setting yourself up for being hurt." Am I?

No more than you or anyone else. Maybe even less, because I'm not afraid to be true to myself.

I'm not afraid to stand up, sit down or kneel and still be who I am.

I'm not afraid to look you in the eye and not back down.

Because I'm strong enough to know what I need and strong enough to ask for it.

Can you say the same?

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