P is for Predator!
::8:37 pm::18.06.04::



An organism that preys on other organisms.

A poem about my favorite predator.


Shining stars, beacons of destiny in the night

Silvershard dreams echoing through pale darkness

Captivated, mesmerized; a thousand thoughts at once

And yet all are quelled by a hunter's gaze in the shadows

Hidden, alone, drifting in the blackest of moments

And yet such darkness is tempered by beautiful light


A tender caress

Crimson against pale flesh,

Eyes that make you beg for more.

Though in the nighttime, when nightmares echo

And scream through rational thought

Strong arms and cold comfort,

A tender embrace and a delicious pinprick of pain

Things are not always what they seem,

And willful souls becom an icon,

Transcending time to tell the world what we are fighting for;

An end to the battles themselves.


Always peace, and yet the metallic lake that

Trickles in his eyes tell of more,

The hidden treasure that many see, and few understand.

And yet as the starlight gaze shifts away,

The cool, soothing calm remains

Nights of predatory lust

And days that shine on forever.

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