S is for Solitude!
::11:46 pm::26.06.04::



1. The state or quality of being alone or remote from others.

2. A lonely or secluded place.

"Many of us need solitude; thrive on it, live in it every day. Solitude is one of those things that you can rarely appreciate it when you have it, and when it bothers you most it is the most acute. For whatever it is, though, it can be both a harbor of safety or a smothering, ingraspable veil.

For she here, solitude has been a fundamental bane of her existence, and yet she is also one most capable of sending it running when it has its chilled fingers around our necks; she has many times been the first light to pierce through the crushing darkness."

Written for/about me by someone that's been a fundamental part of my life for years. Thank you.

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