::6:54 pm::09.01.05::

I haven't been updating this diary for a reason. If you are still interested in reading my writings, or want to know what's going on or what I'm doing, feel free to e-mail me. I may begin to update this diary in the near future, but for now, I'm too angry to do so. I am sincerely pissed that someone I once trusted - what a fucking mistake - has put up the link to my diary - a link that I only give out to people under certain circumstances (though I don't mind when people find me of their own wanderings), because he wanted to see just how badly he could fuck me over. He wanted to show everyone just how "pathetic" I am, in his eyes. So I said fuck it. When I feel that I can post here safely again, I will. I do have another diary, but you would have to approach me for the URL. If the bastard that actually admitted he wanted to induce what he believes is a common occurance - a suicide attempt - (it didn't work) - continues to keep his mouth shut and disappear from my life, I'll start posting again.

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